Don't Rely Solely on No-Wake Ordinances. Protect Your Boat with a Poly Lift Boat Lift
If you own a lakefront home with a dock on the Lake of the Ozarks, you are probably already aware of just how busy the lake can get. But there are some coves on the Lake that get far more boating traffic than others. Whether you've been to one of them yourself or not, we've all heard the stories. And homeowners in these coves know firsthand just how rough those waters can get when those larger boats go plowing by. If you've got a dock located within a super busy cove, you'll want to make sure you've got the best dock equipment to keep your boat safe during busy weekends and holidays. News of New No-Wake Ordinances For some lakefront homeowners, the news of new no-wake zones being designated in some of these more high trafficked coves came as a welcomed reprieve from the the huge wakes that wreak havoc on docks. For others, not so much. However you may feel about these restrictions, they were set to help lessen property damage to docks and boats throughout tho...