Ways To Ensure Your Boat Lift Lasts A Long Time!
Purchasing a boat lift at the Lake of the Ozarks , or anywhere for that matter, is a rather large investment. As such, you’ll want to ensure you’re taking proper care and maintenance of your lift to ensure it lasts. As your premier boat lift company at the Lake of the Ozarks , Poly Lift is here to discuss proper boat lift maintenance to keep your lift sturdy for years to come. Read on to discover a few tips! 1. Abide by the Weight Warning Every boat lift has its own specifications for what size boat it will be able to handle safely. Never exceed the specified weight limit on your boat lift as it can result in extensive damages. Also, be sure that the lift suits the specific hull design of your boat. 2. Ensure Cables & Cradle Remain Above the Water While the boat lift is made from resistant materials to help prevent corrosion, do not leave your cables submerged in water for prolonged periods of time. This helps to further prevent the growth of bacteria, barnacles, ...